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Prices for playing at INCOM GAMING CENTRE
Table rates for casual gaming at INCOM GAMING CENTRE Book your gaming session and come join us at Incom Gaming for some quality family time, playing games: Daytime gaming till 5pm: Under 12's FREE Playing tabletop warfare battles £3 per player* Playing from our board games Library £3 per player* *£5 each if arriving with no reservation. Tuesday & Thursday Late night Gaming from 6pm-11pm: Under 12's FREE (Under 16's must be accompanied by and adult) Playing tabletop warfare battles £5per player* Playing from our board games Library £5per player* Playing an RPG Adventure £4per player* *£7 each player if just...

Are you planning a visit to Incom gaming? Incom Gaming is located in the centre of Cheltenham, inside the 2PIGS pub. Look inside the door of the pub and the shop and gaming space awaits. Located down Church Street between Supersavers & Co-Op Travel off the High Street. If you are planning a visit to Incom Gaming, here is a map with suggested car parking, and hotels within a 5min walk. Here are some links: Premier Inn Cheltenham Town Centre Holiday Inn Express Cheltenham Town Centre Central Hotel Cheltenham Townhouse Hotel Parking: North Place Car Park Multi Storey Monsoon Avenue. (Next to holiday Inn Express To...
CASUAL GAMING every day of the week!

Playing tabletop games since April 2014 Open 7 days a week including Tuesday & Thursday evenings from until 11pm, Incom Gaming is open for casual gaming. Come join us for some friendly, tabletop war-games, boardgames, trading card games & RPG sessions right in the center of Cheltenham. Meet like minded people, explore our growing board games library and above all, HAVE FUN!! Ever wondered what it was all about & want to have a go?? Then come on down Facilities on offer at Incom Gaming: Bar!! (draught beers & cider, bottle beers, ciders & soft drinks & snacks) 4'x4' Tables...
About Incom Gaming

Welcome to Incom Gaming, a Bricks and Mortar Gaming Store, an FLGS (Friendly Local Games Store) in the centre of Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Starting life in 2013 inside the 2PIGS nightclub club, Pork Chop Gaming was a friendly weekly evening for gamers to meet up & play games. Incom Gaming was created in 2015 to serve the this growing community as a unique gaming venue and FLGS. While originally focusing on tabletop war gaming & accessories, the expansion of our available to play boardgames selection has moved Incom towards a more dedicated gaming store/venue, in a pub! With the selection of...