Table rates for casual gaming at INCOM GAMING CENTRE
Book your gaming session and come join us at Incom Gaming for some quality family time, playing games:
Daytime gaming till 5pm:
- Under 12's FREE
- Playing tabletop warfare battles £3 per player*
- Playing from our board games Library £3 per player*
*£5 each if arriving with no reservation.
Tuesday & Thursday Late night Gaming from 6pm-11pm:
- Under 12's FREE (Under 16's must be accompanied by and adult)
- Playing tabletop warfare battles £5per player*
- Playing from our board games Library £5per player*
- Playing an RPG Adventure £4per player*
*£7 each player if just turning up.
Saturday & Sunday gaming 10am-4pm:
*£7 each player if just turning up.
Check out our EVENTS page for upcoming intro sessions, tournaments and campaigns.
**ROLE PLAY - Get 6 people together for a Role Play Session and the GM plays for FREE
A Session is defined a period of time that Incom Gaming is open in a single day.