I remember what it was like before your ships showed up, before you Imperials ruined Lothal like the rest of the galaxy."
–Yoffar, Star Wars: Rebels
Lothal, once a beacon of beauty in the galaxy, has replaced its natural beauty with industrialization. The Empire has mined its resources for its own nefarious purposes. What was once an environmentally rich planet has been corrupted and twisted by the Galactic Empire. Lush green plains have become a wasteland… and the site of your next battle.
Extra room around the borders of the gamemat allow you to set up your Deployment cards and tokens, as well as handy references for each team’s starting setup zones.
Once your match begins, you’ll soon find that the spacious borders around the map give you plenty of room to place your Deployment cards, Command deck, and tokens, while keeping them out of the way of the action.
This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Imperial Assault Core Set is required to play.