Wargames Atlantic
Wargames Atlantic designers and manufacturers multiple ranges of 28mm hard plastic wargames models.

Wargames Atlantic

Wargames Atlantic designers and manufacturers multiple ranges of 28mm hard plastic wargames models.

Landsknecht Ogres
PUNISHERS OF THE BATTLEFIELD… Once united under the banner of the Great Tharl, the Ogre tribes and city states were...
£25.00 £23.75

2 in stock

Skeleton Infantry
RISING FROM THEIR GRAVES… They are the shades of the men of Sparta, Athens, Thebes, and Macedon. When a Necromancer...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

Cannon Fodder
THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE...HATE YOU. These are the dregs of the Death Fields sport: the washouts, the mental...
£25.00 £23.75
Les Grognards
VIVE LA FRANCE! The team began with a core of Napoleon’s Young and Old Guard from Waterloo and later were...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

British Expeditionary Force
FROM PHONEY WAR TO DUNKIRK! As Hitler's war machine overran Europe, British soldiers were sent en masse to help defend...
£25.00 £23.75
Les Grognards Cavalry
ÉCRASE-LES! “Crush them!” Ney’s famous command to the cavalry at Waterloo is the battle cry of Les Grognards Cavalry units....
£30.00 £28.50

1 in stock

Cannon Fodder 2 (Females)
THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE...HATE YOU. These are the dregs of the Death Fields sport: the washouts, the mental...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

NO MATTER THE BATTLEFIELD...ALWAYS READY FOR A FIGHT. From the depths of jungle worlds where even the plant life will...
£30.00 £28.50

1 in stock

Eisenkern Stormtroopers
BESIEGED BY ENEMIES ON ALL SIDES… The Eisenkern Empire has known a history only of war. Bordering on Shadokesh space...
£25.00 £23.75

2 in stock

Giant Spiders
FROM THE DARKNESS A TERRIFYING SIGHT… Infesting the land in the places the sun rarely touches: mountain caves, the dankest...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

Raumjäger Infantry
DEATH FROM ABOVE... Even before they became the famed Raumjager of the Death Fields circuit, this group of human warriors...
£25.00 £23.75

2 in stock

FOR KING! FOR COUNTRY! FOR GOLD! The men who plundered the Americas were typically adventurers down on their luck and...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

Not everyone ventures into the wilds after fame and fortune. Some patrol the villages and cities or guard the caravans...
£30.00 £27.00

1 in stock

AARWHOOOO!!! The Blood Cursed...the Fanged Ones...Nightpack...Lost Children of the Forest...whatever you call them the men and women who turn when...
£25.00 £23.75
Afghan Cavalry
FROM OUT OF THE SHIMMERING HAZE A DEADLY SIGHT... These fearsome warriors used their cavalry to great advantage in stalking...
£25.00 £23.75
Russian Infantry (1916-1918)
FOR THE FAITH, THE TSAR, AND THE MOTHERLAND! Russia entered World War One with the largest army in the world...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

German Sentries
HALT! STEHEN BLEIBEN!  German soldiers were assigned to thousands of non-combat roles in both conquered territories and within their own...
£25.00 £23.75
British Infantry (1916-1918)
JOIN YOUR COUNTRY'S ARMY! This hard plastic set allows you to build up to 30 British infantry equipped for World...
£25.00 £23.75
Skeleton Cavalry and Chariots
CHARGING FROM THEIR GRAVES… The Undead Hordes rise to bring their terrible might against the Free Kingdoms of the High...
£30.00 £28.50

1 in stock

Ooh Rah
GET SOME! The Ooh Rah are a relatively new team to the Death Fields Circuit having only been established a...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

RULE BRITANNIA! In the far future, there are many suns that never set on the British Empire or at least...
£25.00 £23.75
STRIKING FROM THEIR JUNGLE LAIR… The lizard tribes rarely venture forth from their steaming jungle kingdoms, but when they do...
£25.00 £23.75

1 in stock

Goblin Warband
WHEN THE GOBLIN WARBAND HUNTS THE COUNTRYSIDE TREMBLES… The ancient enemy of the Free Kingdoms, the Goblin tribes are a...
£25.00 £23.75
This star team of the Death Fields circuit brings it’s A game to every match with their battle cry: “Vive...
£25.00 £23.75

2 in stock