STAR WARS: The Mandalorian: Adventures

When offered a lucrative job, a lone bounty hunter begins a journey that will put his skills to the test and redefine his world. Work together to complete thrilling missions...
£44.99 £49.99

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When offered a lucrative job, a lone bounty hunter begins a journey that will put his skills to the test and redefine his world. Work together to complete thrilling missions inspired by Season 1 of The Mandalorian™!

The Mandalorian: Adventures uses a map book for each of the mission maps. It’s a style of component management that makes setup and teardown dead simple.

Players can expect a full campaign to play through, with each mission getting more complex as they get deeper into the story, some even featuring a hidden traitor mechanic. Additionally, each mission could add new rules, components, and whole new mission types as well.

Even if you know the story from seeing the series, The Mandalorian: Adventures is a game that will keep you wanting to play more, just to see what’s next.

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