Set in Warhammer 40K universe, Necromunda is a skirmish game that dives into the underworld of the Imperium, allowing players to control their own Hive Gang – a pack of...

2 in stock

Set in Warhammer 40K universe, Necromunda is a skirmish game that dives into the underworld of the Imperium, allowing players to control their own Hive Gang – a pack of ruthless criminal killers augmented with black-market cybernetics, gene modifications and scavenged weaponry.

  • 10 bases with sculpted industrial flooring.
*Important*  This product is part of Games Workshop's Direct Only range, and are ordered in specially for customers. Cancellation of order may result in only a 50% refund, INCOM GAMING reserves the right to not allow cancellations on products specifically obtained for customers. Orders containing Direct Only items will be dispatched when all items are ready.

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