Conquer the realm and bring honor to your clan in Battle for Rokugan! This turn-based strategy game of conquest and mayhem puts players in the role of Rokugan daimyō struggling...
Conquer the realm and bring honor to your clan in Battle for Rokugan! This turn-based strategy game of conquest and mayhem puts players in the role of Rokugan daimyō struggling for control over the rich land of the Emerald Empire. Leaders must balance their resources, plan their attacks, and outwit their enemies to ensure their clan's victory. The land is there for the taking. The most honorable daimyō will win the day!
The Emerald Empire is filled with strife as the seven honorable clans clash and battle to become the dominant force of the realm. Each clan has selected a trusted daimyō to formulate their military strategies and lead their forces to victory. Now, your fight for honor and glory begins: Battle for Rokugan.