When the power of the Abyss waxes strong, large forces of Nightstalkers tear their way into reality. Mewling, skittering hordes advance, led by ancient cyclopean beings from the darkest depths...
When the power of the Abyss waxes strong, large forces of Nightstalkers tear their way into reality. Mewling, skittering hordes advance, led by ancient cyclopean beings from the darkest depths of existence. Survivors of such attacks are rare and all who do escape lose their minds and souls forever.
- 30 Hard Plastic Spectres/Scarecrows
- 10 Resin and Plastic Phantoms
- 10 Resin and Plastic Reapers
- 6 Plastic Butchers
- 10 Resin and Plastic Shadowhounds
- 7 Plastic Horrors
- 1 Resin and Plastic Terror
- Plastic and MDF bases
This kit comes supplied unpainted and requires assembly.