Flesh & Blood - HIGH SEAS PreRelease


£42.00 per person



About this experience

Welcome to Incom Gaming's HIGH SEAS - Pre Release Event

Format - Sealed*

Start at 10am

Entry Fee: £45 / Save £3 and book in advance

Capped at 12 players

Play 4 rounds of swiss with HIGH SEAS booster pack per win.

Each player will receive on entry:

8 x HIGH SEAS boosters
Each player receives a HIGH SEAS Pre-Release Promo pack which includes:


Registration: 10:00

Deck building: 10:15 - 11:00

Round 1: 11:00 - 11:55

Round 2: 12:10 - 13:05

Lunch: 13:05 - 13:40

Round 3: 13:45 - 14:40

Round 4: 14:50 - 15:45 

*Sealed Deck is an easy and fun way to play Flesh and Blood Trading Card Game and a great way to get new cards for your collection! Simply turn up, open 6 booster packs, and make your best deck from the cards you have to work with. Part of the fun is getting to play with cards you may never consider using in other formats.

Deck Construction

Players open 6 booster packs and use the contents to construct a 30-card minimum deck (not including hero, weapon, and equipment cards). Note - it’s during the start-of-game procedure that the exact 30 cards (minimum) are chosen. Typically, a player will change a small number of cards in their deck based on the hero they are about to play against.

A deck may only contain Generic cards and cards with the same class and/or talent as your hero card.

The 3-card limit applicable to constructed formats does not apply to limited formats. A sealed deck may contain any number of copies of each unique card. For example, if your card pool contains 5 copies of Scar for a Scar (1), you may include all 5 copies in your deck.“

Incom Gaming reserves the right to amend prizing without notice.

Incom Gaming is a Licensed venue, I.D. is required to purchase alcohol. Only snacks & beverages purchased* from Incom Gaming may be consumed on the premesis.

We offer a lunch option at day events, a freshly prepared Burrito made to order and a drink from the bar, details will be provded on the day.

*Exceptions to our food & drinks policy are hot drinks from take out coffee outlets and beverages in paper cups included in meal deals from fast food outlets are allowed.

Refunds and transfers can ONLY be processed directly through us at Incom Gaming, please DO NOT buy anything through a third party as this will result in you turning up for an event without a space allocated.

Always message us directly, via Facebook, email, phone, and ask if there is any more tickets for release or a reserve list.