Starter Deck - Machine Black [ST-5]

Digital Monster card game, starter deck, Machine Black Blocker and Reboot give this black deck serious defense! Shrug off your opponent’s attacks and strike back! Card types 16 types Rarity...
£7.99 £9.99

4 in stock

Digital Monster card game, starter deck, Machine Black

Blocker and Reboot give this black deck serious defense! Shrug off your opponent’s attacks and strike back!

  • Card types
    16 types
  • Rarity
    Common: 7 types
    Uncommon: 5 types
    Rare: 3 types
    Super Rare: 1 type
  • Contents
    -Starter Deck (1 set of 54 cards)
    -2 memory gauges
    -1 -GREAT LEGEND- Booster Pack 
  • This product is a pre-built deck and the contents are the same for all boxes.
    * This product contains multiple identical cards because of the characteristics of the product.


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