FRENCH Nationality Set
French Buccaneers: Made up mainly of Flibustiers and Boucaniers sailing out of Tortuga and Petit Goave to raid the towns and commerce of the Spanish Empire. French Caribbean Militia: These...
French Buccaneers: Made up mainly of Flibustiers and Boucaniers sailing out of Tortuga and Petit Goave to raid the towns and commerce of the Spanish Empire.
French Caribbean Militia: These well armed civilians and Boucaniers learned much from the success of the French Buccaneers. They were the primary defense forces of the French Caribbean.
Twenty five 28 mm unpainted lead free pewter miniatures.
- 8 Flibustiers
- 8 Milice des Caraïbes
- 4 Boucaniers
- 4 Marins
- 1 French Commander
- 1 Game Card
This kit comes supplied unpainted and requires assembly.