A Song of Ice and Fire

151 products

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or...

Abteilung 502

81 products

Oil paints specially formulated for modellers reducing the typical amount of linseed oil so stains and...

Adeptus Titanicus

16 products

Adeptus Titanicus offers you the chance to experience war on a whole new scale. Adeptus Titanicus...

Aeronautica Imperialis

24 products

In the 41st Millennium, there is only war. In space? War. On the land? WAR. Underground?...

AK Interactive

82 products

The weathering brand. Products for painting and weathering scale models.

ALIENS - Another Glorious Day In The Corps!

5 products

Listen up Marines, Here’s the situation.  The terraforming colony on exomoon LV-426, Hadley’s Hope, has unexpectedly...

Artis Opus

27 products

The finest brushes for passionate artists, crafted by artisans using true Kolinsky Sable


3 products

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Battle Systems

63 products

Battle Systems make terrain for Tabletop War games. Covering Sci-Fi, fantasy & urban apocalypse, Battle Systems supply high-quality,...


4 products

TACTICAL 'MECH COMBAT The year is 3025 and the galaxy is trapped in a cycle of...

Black Library

222 products

The Black Library is a division of Games Workshop which is devoted to publishing novels and...

Black Powder

136 products

28mm historical tabletop wargame set during the horse & musket period, covering such conflicts as the...

Black Seas

47 products

Take the fights from the Black Powder era to the high seas with a dynamic and...

Blood and Plunder

15 products

Firelock Games Blood & Plunder is a 28 mm historical tabletop game set in the 17th...

Blood Bowl

75 products

It's back! Blood Bowl is the original game of fantasy football. A “sport” by only the...

Blood Red Skies

46 products

Blood Red Skies is a tabletop miniatures game where you command a formation of fighter aircraft...

Bolt Action

287 products

Don't see what you need, email us at shop@incomgaming.co.uk and we'll get back as soon as...


54 products

The year is 1795. A great Rent has torn open reality and sunk most of Europe...


53 products

"The coolest dice on the planet."  Don't see what you want, drop us a message and...


419 products

Citadel from Games Workshop produces a full range of paints and painting/modelling accessories to fulfil your hobby needs.   NOT AVAILABLE OUTSIDE OF...


199 products

Clearance items with over 20% off RRP


43 products

In 2020 The Colour Forge was born with one simple objective; to supply high quality hobby...


27 products

Core Space is a science fiction miniatures board game for 1-6 players. Each player takes control...

Cruel Seas

20 products

In Cruel Seas, you take on the role of a naval crew manning their fragile coastal...

Dark Souls

17 products

The Dark Souls board game is a brutally hard exploration miniatures game for 1-4 players. Prepare...

Dead Mans Hand

29 products

DEAD MAN'S HAND is the 28mm skirmish game by Great Escape Games. Bands of tough and...


8 products

ENTER THE DEADZONE Strike teams of elite fighters go head-to-head in desolated, futuristic cities. Don't see...


53 products

The Digimon card game is a competitive trading card game. Each player has a companion Digimon...

Dirty Down

4 products

Dirty Down the ageing and weathering specialists Producing ageing and effects products for Film, Television &...