ABBEY & MAYOR: Carcassonne Exp 5
With a new tile type and three new pieces, the Abbey & Mayor expansion for Carcassonne gives players more options than ever. Abbey tiles...
£19.99 £17.99

2 in stock

New Tiles Give New Chances 12 new land tiles expand the world of Carcassonne even further. Placing the new bazaar...
£19.99 £17.99

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CARCASSONNE: Hunters and Gatherers
Carcassonne: Hunters and Gatherers is a standalone game in the Carcassonne series set in the stone age. As in other Carcassonne games,...
£39.99 £35.99

1 in stock

COUNT, KING & ROBBER: Carcassonne Exp 6
Rule the City or the Roads Choose to rule the city or patrol the roads and gain bonus points with...
£19.99 £17.99

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Hills & Sheep: Carcassonne Exp 9
The land outside the city of Carcassonne is lush and green with rolling hills and small cities. In Carcassonne Expansion...
£19.99 £17.99

4 in stock

INNS & CATHEDRALS: Carcassonne Exp 1
The Inns & Cathedrals expansion adds more ways to shape the Medieval countryside in the award-winning tile-laying game Carcassonne. Eighteen Land tiles feature...
£19.99 £17.99

2 in stock

THE PRINCESS & THE DRAGON: Carcassonne Exp 3
Traders & Builders expands on the popular Carcassonne base game, adding new features and opening even more ways to outwit your opponents. With...
£19.99 £17.99

3 in stock

THE TOWER: Carcassonne Exp 4
In The Tower, the focus is on building up, not out. This expansion for the classic Carcassonne tile-laying game adds eighteen Land tiles, plus...
£19.99 £17.99

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TRADERS & BUILDERS: Carcassonne Exp 2
Traders & Builders expands on the popular Carcassonne base game, adding new features and opening even more ways to outwit your opponents. With...
£19.99 £17.99

2 in stock

UNDER THE BIG TOP: Carcassonne Exp 10
The Greatest Show on Earth The tent has been pitched outside of town and the performers are ready to thrill...
£19.99 £17.99

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